19 Feb One of my favourite design blogs…
I have stumbled across many design blogs and websites, most unique and interesting in their own way. Some I take to immediately and they go straight in my ‘favourites/bookmark list’ where I will return to on a daily/weekly basis for a few months or so. Not many of them stick with me for an overly long period of time, with a few exceptions. I imagine most people will have come across ‘Brand New’ by Underconsideration. A fantastic forum of articles on the latest corporate and brand identity work, there are different categories and levels of branding, some are completely new, others are rebrands, where you can see the new logo alongside the old. The website encourages you to share your opinion, through a series of polls, or you can go leave your own opinion via the comments at the bottom of the post. Many of which will leave you in a heated discussion with all the other opinionated visitors that drop by regularly.
If you would rather just visit websites to soak up all the branding goodness, then I assure you that reviewer Armin, has a great insight in branding and his writing usually follows a witty, humorous and often heavily sarcastic style, and in my opinion is a totally likable fellow creative.
If you’ve never visited Brand New then I strongly advise that you check it out when you next can! Great if you have a spare 5 minutes, amazing if you have a few spare 5 minutes, and even better when that day happens to be a Friday (their Friday Likes is awesome and usually a feast for the eyes).
I came across Brand New a few years ago, whilst freelancing for a company in Brighton. It’s a great little community, you do unfortunately still get the typical outrageous, nonsense comments, but if you manage to overlook this, then I think you’re onto a winner.