Magazine Brighton

My recent relocation back to Brighton, from London has caused many a few to ask how I’m finding it, whether I miss not being up in the big smoke, in the hustle and bustle of London’s design scene, the food choices, night scene…etc.

While of course, there are things that I miss about one place (you can’t have it all!) I would also love to point out that Brighton is not a city that lacks it’s own little gems!

This blog post is one that proves exactly the above point. Located in the heart of Brighton’s infamous North Laines is a lovely little independent magazine shop called Magazine Brighton. It’s actually been here for well over 2 years, back when I lived in London I would definitely pop in and have a browse whenever possible, the guys are lovely and super helpful if you have any questions about the many many magazines they stock there (their website states nearly 400 titles!) Now that I’m back working and living in Brighton, I intend to set up camp in their shop, and probably need to invest in a new shelving unit too…

Time to time, they also host mini events in the evenings, so it’s definitely worth a check out!